Visible to humans, the light of fireflies twinkling little lights like the ordinary. However, the study reveals, it turns out this is a communication with a certain rhythm of flickering, like Morse code used by humans in the telegram. Biologists found that the light issued by the beetles play a role in finding a mating partner. At the age of marriage arrived, the male looking for female partner by emitting light flicker. Female fireflies around who saw it will issue its light to answer the male. The female seemed to tell, "I am here!" With this answer, the next male transmits a light signal with the position of the female leads. Females will be answered again, and so on, until finally shouted to each other as the pair meet for mating.
For groups of Photuris fireflies, light their role in the hunt as well. Females of this species can imitate the flickering light signals emitted by females of another species, such as Photuris. With this false light signals, a male firefly Photuris species were caught and eaten by the Photuris females.
This light also plays as a warning, to warn of inter-neighbor kind of danger, as well as a warning to insects and birds of prey so as not to eat it. Therefore, the agent triggers the formation of firefly light bitter taste. Even if there are predatory insects that desperate, they usually eat the bodies of fireflies from the head, hold up to the back, except the abdomen which is not eaten.
Why could bring fireflies 'light' to and fro without overheating? Researchers interested in the phenomenon. Because, electric light bulb which is known for it when illuminated, will eventually heat up. Judging from the energy efficiency, electric light bulbs Edison findings capable of producing light is only about 10% of the total electrical energy delivered, most of the rest turns into heat. This heat causes the electric light. In contrast, light-producing organ in the body of the firefly releases about 100% of the energy in the form of light. This makes the cold light. Imagine if the light like a firefly hot incandescent bulbs, they may be burned and die.
This light is removed by a special organ that is composed of light-producing cells called fotosit. This organ is located on the fourth vertebra or the fifth of his body. Twinkling firefly light is the result of chemical reactions involving chemical called luciferin produced light-producing cells. Through a series of stages of chemical reaction, luciferin and luciferase enzyme with the help of some specific substances react to form a number of new chemical substances with the release of nearly 100% energy in the form of light. Energy is wasted as heat is very slight. Compare with the man-made electric light.
To be its present form, incandescent lamps have a long research process, which is 50 years older. Development of the electric light bulb starts since Sir Humphrey Davy in 1811. Thomas Alva Edison managed to develop the electric light bulb in 1878. When Edison was sending people to various parts of the world to find the best material as filaments ("filaments") light bulb. He tried no less than 6000 wire or fiber materials, including those from plants such as bamboo, before it finally found lasting filaments that are not easily burned in a glass sphere of non-oxygenated. Edison was the one who then gave birth to the establishment of the Edison General Electric, which has now become a giant world: General Electric.
Thus, since Thomas Edison until now, no electric lights that match the technology of fireflies light the cold. Necessary intelligence and hard work of many people to find the best electric light bulb. Then intelligence who created the cool light of fireflies? Could firefly own research, try out thousands of chemical substances, and eventually find yourself light in it? Impossible, for he mindless creatures. After all, fireflies and the light must have been around since the first time it was created. Because, without light, fireflies and not able to breed extinct from the first. All of this leads us to the conclusion: the firefly and the light is not formed itself gradually, through mere natural events, and without the creation of intelligent purpose. From the beginning, this luminous beetles must keep close track perfectly created, complete with light by the Creator Mahacerdas. He is Allah, the Best Creator.
Fireflies emit light is not constant, but the flickering or switching between on and off. This means that there are certain mechanisms in the body that acts on and off the light, like a button or switch electric lights that connect and disconnect the electrical current flowing to the bulb. Switch as the lights of fireflies' has long been a puzzle for scientists. However, a few years ago, Barry Trimmer and his team from Tufts University, United States, reported its findings on the switch of fireflies in the leading scientific journal, Science. Barry Trimmer said: "We already know the terms of the chemical that makes fireflies glow, but we now have an answer to the puzzle, which has not missed that explains how they can turn on and off switch." (BBC News, Sci / Tech , June 28, 2001).
Molecule sized switch is turned is the chemical nitric oxide (NO) produced in the body of the firefly. In that study, fireflies are placed in small sealed box and was given NO substance emits light constantly without falter. Nitric oxide also exist in the human body, and act to maintain blood pressure by dilating blood vessels, helps the immune system deal with the germs of disease, and deliver signals between brain nerve cells.
This light detection technology currently used in lethal bacteria, like E. coli or Legionella, in swimming pools and baths. E coli is a bacteria that causes the human digestive tract disease, whereas the bacteria Legionella is the bacteria that cause lung disease (a type of pneumonia) in patients with 5-15% mortality rate. The presence of these germs in the swimming pool is certainly not desirable. The experts from Biotrace International has managed to create a device that can recognize the presence of germs in seconds; better than the old way which takes several days. It works using the firefly luciferase enzyme, which would produce light when the germs of bacteria. The number of bacteria present can be determined based on the strength of the light produced. The use of this tool has penetrated the food industry, and about 15 million package of tools that have been sold, according to BBC News, May 9, 2003.
Two years ago, although the new phase of testing in mice, the work of researchers of University of California, at Los Angeles (UCLA), United States, found that the chemicals that make fireflies glow may help doctors determine the spread of prostate cancer so that treatment can directly toward the target. Genetic engineering techniques are used to transmit genes producing chemicals firefly light directly into the cancer cells in mice. After three weeks, the camera imagers found out the cancer cells in the marrow of the spine and lungs because of the light emitted by firefly cell. Dr. Lily Wu, assistant professor at UCLA, said: "Once you figure out where the cancer is in, you get a handle to treat it. It's much better than treating the whole body with chemical treatment. By attaching a light on cancer cells, we can say , 'nah, it's him over there', and then took aim. "(BBC, Health, July 22, 2002). Advantages of this method is, despite the dim and the light generated inside the body, but can still be detected from the outside using a sensor device sophisticated.
Dr. Theodossiss Theodossiou, a doctor from the National Medical Laser Center the University College, London is also using firefly lighting technology in developing fotodinamika therapy. This technique seeks to destroy the cancer cells of the body by inserting a gene that would be a source of light to the cancer cell itself. After glowing like a firefly, cancer cells are triggered to produce toxic substances which then forces the cancer cells destroy themselves.
The researchers also inspired use of fireflies lighting technology for a variety of ways, including to monitor whether or not the new treatments work. At Michigan University, USA, reported that this technology can be used to accelerate testing of new drugs for diseases such as cancer, stroke, AIDS, immune disorders, blood disease, damage caused by heart disease, nerve damage, and various other disorders that require killing of cells by the drug, or to stop the cell death. This technique can also be used to monitor the various processes that occur at the cellular level.
Use of technology in the light of fireflies varied fields by these experts must have proof of the perfection of creation of fireflies that can not be made by the experts, and inspire their technology. All this is a reflection of the unparalleled intelligence of the Creator, Allah. He is the Beneficent, who created all creatures in order to be considered and utilized for human benefit. Man should glorify God, and thank Him.
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