Sabtu, 17 Maret 2012

I'm too stupid (love pseudo)

pointless ..
hunk said with a frown ..
pitiful .. beg .. in an increasingly dark trap ..
crashes in the siege and stab like a thousand burning even more relentless mennancap ..

sprawl is weak ..
no light .. no rebuke is heard ..
There was also cast in the eye that I looked like
slalu beautiful because that makes me want to look at him ..
akupun cornered again ..

reluctant to live and afraid to die ..
no direction on the go ..
smua tebenam my head ..
tied to one's life ..
ah .. I have tesiksa again
if you remember ..

"Sorry we just be friends"
My body instantly limp ..
seemed to not want to know this world again ..
his words are so pierced my heart ..
I want to lose it
no one should be looking for more ..
I tlah wreck ..
and really want to drown in the towing of the most ...

sorry friend I have loved you ..

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