Sabtu, 17 Maret 2012


This life is a struggle. The struggle to control yourself to success. many tests that we will face to achieve the ideals of our happy world and the hereafter. Satan and lust are constantly trying to turn us from the true path.
It is therefore necessary firmness and kesitiqamahan in the face of the test. Consistency is needed in earnest. As we seek to unleash our potential. As we strive to produce great works that are beneficial to our people and ourselves. We could have been attacked by a feeling lazy, weak spirit and desire to be in a comfort zone. It is necessary to struggle to cope
We must be strong and resilient. We should really try. Do not let ourselves entangled in a circle of a futile act. Make your life and your days as a masterpiece. Do something worthwhile in your life. Life is only once, so live a meaningful
When we seek the pearl of life we ​​will be happy and successful, then the pearl was actually there at the bottom of our hearts. When we look for diamonds, the diamonds that exist in our minds. When we look for gold, gold is in our souls. When we seek happiness and peace of the peace is in prostration, dhikr and are subject to God
Wrongdoing, in vain, and sin will only disturbing our heart and soul. Eliminate our common sense. Spay our potential. Turning off our conscience. So do not let your heart be dalama negligence and void. Fill your soul with goodness. Dig a tremendous potential in the hearts and minds to produce real work that is useful to you and all mankind.
Do not waste the great potential that God has given unto Almighty God. Train potential, asahlah potential, building the potential for it to act and work, and do not forget to pray and always remember Allah, then you will wake up from neglect and kealfaan, novelty, to the eternal happiness in the real work, achievement, worship and good deeds useful life and the Hereafter.
Do not perturutkan momentary pleasure, but resulted in long suffering, and the inhibition of true happiness that you want. Hold yourself, do the deed, although useful suffering and sacrifice, to achieve true happiness and a long time.
Strive earnestly to conquer self and carnal passions. Conquered ego and your emotions are bad. Conquered laziness, negligence, and kealfaan. Fill out the activities and your time is very precious to a rewarding activity. And then the day will be bright and meaningful life. Do not let the day and empty your heart of science, faith and true charity. Because if so satan and his followers would easily fit gnaw your heart, your faith and ilmumu, so you'll lose your identity and the actual potensimua.
Act it is today. At present, too. Work, berkaryalah. Strive for success world and the hereafter. Find your way real. Call the heart and conscience. Work with all my heart and potential. Serve others. And strive to do our best, the best learning and provide the best for yourself, family, organization, religion, nation and state. God willing, your life will be meaningful to the struggle. That's him, Life is a struggle.

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